Audits and Verification
Gold loan audit
Testing the purity of gold articles to check whether the banks or financial institutions have done safe funding during gold loan. This is to avoid all kinds of market risks . The process includes receiving audit allocation from the bank audit planning and execution
Daily MIS
School Audit
Institutional Financing for Infrastructure upgradation – To fund educational institutions- schools, colleges or vocational degrees and other educational institutions who needs finance for upgrading infrastructure facilities.
Yard Audit
Yard Agency Audit is a place where agencies are keeping their defaulter customer’s vehicles which Seized by SCB. Auditors visits yard agencies to audit the vehicles as per the checklists provided by the client. Auditor validates the physical condition and number of vehicles available and compare it with vehicle inward register, documents availability, visit register, yard insurance etc. We share the final report received from auditors with client
Collection Audit :
This process includes a comprehensive audit of debt collection processes throughout the enterprise. The audit report, apart from the research, also includes indications and recommendations on post-audit deployments. Debt Collection Process Service is addressed to the Board of Directors of companies and to Financial and Operational directors who need objective and independent opinions on the operation of the internal debt collection department or external debt collection companies that handle ordered portfolios
Legal Audit : It’s common for a new business to take shortcuts while getting started. Unless these weak spots are uncovered and upgraded, a successful business can fall prey to its past mistakes.
Business Attorney Trevor Brewer
A legal audit focuses on a single aspect of your business and analyse your legal position. A legal audit ensures that no hidden risks exist within your company. The problems a legal audit identifies are those that put your company at risk for penalties and litigation. While a legal audit performs an in-depth analysis of one area of your company, it is not so intrusive as to interfere with your company’s day-to-day operations.